AI has arrived in B.C. health care, here’s what to ask your doctor

AI has arrived in B.C. health care, here’s what to ask your doctor

As artificial intelligence continues to develop in seemingly all facets of life — including health care…

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Local Conservative candidate focused on improving healthcare, making life affordable in B.C.

Local Conservative candidate focused on improving healthcare, making life affordable in B.C.

“I can’t get into to many specifics, but when that happened the [Conservative] party asked if…

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B.C. woman’s plight underscores need for urgent health-care reform

B.C. woman’s plight underscores need for urgent health-care reform

While it’s important to remain grounded in data when measuring wait times for health care, it’s…

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Does B.C. need a Patient’s Bill of Rights for those using the health care system? – Poll

Does B.C. need a Patient’s Bill of Rights for those using the health care system? – Poll

Photo: Contributed Kelowna-Mission MLA Renee Merrifield Last week, B.C.’s Health Minister, Adrian Dix, was in (Kelowna)…

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B.C. becomes first Canadian province to implement minimum nurse-patient ratio policy

B.C. becomes first Canadian province to implement minimum nurse-patient ratio policy

Open this photo in gallery: B.C.’s minimum nurse-to-patient ratio policy is a breakthrough in the province’s…

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B.C. Nurses Union rallies for nurse-to-patient ratios

B.C. Nurses Union rallies for nurse-to-patient ratios

Hundreds of nurses from across B.C. gathered in downtown Vancouver Thursday to protest unsafe working conditions…

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